Methodological support to the National Curricular Development Centre (NCDC) for the implementation and assessment of the new competency-based secondary curriculum in Uganda. 2022-2023.

Online training course: March 2023.

Pedagogical and training engineering audit of "Better Training for Safer Food" training offer (2019-2023).

Assignment includes the pedagogical support, audit and follow-up of a large training programme in diverse domains concerning European public food health aiming at improving relevance, effectiveness and impact of the training offer.

Operators include various international training consortiums with funding from DG Santé - European Commission.
Team of 3 BIEFOR experts involved.

Abya Yala academic world network.

BIEFOR is proud to be part of the Abya Yala academic world network ("our land") reflecting on the consequences of the COVID crisis in Higher education institutions and practices worldwide. The 50+ member network (Professors and researchers) has already published a first work called "El triunfo de la vida sobre el temor a la muerte: Narrativas sobre el COVID-19 y la educación" as well as organized the 2022 post-graduate course on "Complex and Interdisciplinary teaching and research".

Capacity building programme in school, technical and academic competency assessment for educational, VET and Higher education institutions in Guatemala and Chile.

Programme of 10 workshops for varied stakeholders in both countries to reinforce comptency-based assessment skills.

Guatemala Programme.

August - September 2022.
Team of 2 BIEFOR experts involved.

New internship of Beninese primary inspectors from EFPEEN for a month in Belgium in charge of BIEFOR team.

May-June 2023.
Funder: EFPEEN.
Team of 12 BIEFOR experts involved.

Evaluation and selection committee membership for the Latin American cooperation proposal for VLIR-UOS funds (Belgian Flemish University cooperation) Calls 2022 (TEAM & SI).

Assignment includes analyzing and evaluating interuniversity research proposals in varied fields (agronomy, forestry, water management, education, public health, transport and energy) from different countries of Latin America to VLIR-UOS funds.

Funder: VLIR-UOS
Expert involved: Alexia Peyser

Project supporting "The use of the Pedagogy of integration in the 4 secondary Teachers Training faculties in Burundi: Baseline, training, coaching and training offer revision". PAORC-ENABEL.

November 2022.
Funder: Enabel.
Team of 8 BIEFOR pedagogical experts involved.

BIEFOR leads the technical team assigned to carry on the Final Evaluation of UNICEF’s Girls Education Programme 2012-2021 in Northern Nigeria.

November 2022.
Funders: UNICEF and UKAid.

Publication of the final report and Policy Brief of the "Girls Education Project in Northern Nigeria - GEP3", see here the Brief.

Final Report

Methodological support to the National Curricular Development Centre (NCDC) for the implementation and assessment of the new competency-based secondary curriculum in Uganda. Kampala 2022.

June - December 2022.

Support to the textbooks quality evaluation of 6 French-speaking sub-Saharan African countries for the CONFEMEN.

First stage, January 2022.
Funder: AFD.
Team of 6 BIEFOR experts involved.

International workshop with BIEFOR experts on 13th and 14th December in Dakar.

Capacity building strategy support for Senegal’s civil servants and training by cascades. "Support services for digital training".

Online training platform and example of training video "Midwifes role in birth declarations". https://decpreprod.elearning.sn

Capsule Sénégal archiviste français.

Capsule Sénégal Bajenu Gox français.

Capsule Sénégal Bajenu Gox wolof.

Capsule Sénégal enregistrement acte francais.

April 2022.
Funder: ENABEL.
Team of 2 BIEFOR experts involved.

Online training.

Evaluations of 2 actions concerning self-employment creation and skills validation (AT2020-2 et AT2020-3) from the Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles supported by the European Social Fund (ESF).

BIEFOR informs the finalization of the evaluation reports on "Employment self-creation" (axis 1.1) and "Life skills and competences validation processes" (axis 2.1) of the European Social Funds Agency (ESF) to be consulted on their website (www.fse.be)

April 2022.
Funder: FSE.
Team of 3 BIEFOR experts involved.

BIEFOR is proud to announce the organization of the EFPEEN 2021 pedagogical internship for 43 primary inspectors-to-be from Benin to be carried out in December in Brussels.

Education and cooperation external evaluation pool members for ARES (French Belgian higher education cooperation) Calls 2021-2022.

Assignment includes analyzing and evaluating the cooperation and development training proposals/offers in varied fields from different countries supported by ARES funds.

BIEFOR was selected has one of the three bureaux chosen to carry on the proposals analysis for the cooperation research and international training projects for the 2021-2022 call.

Funder: ARES.
3 BIEFOR experts selected.

Capitalization of the competency-based approach reform of the secondary educational system in Burundi (2019-2020).

Project includes piloting and generalizing the reform nationwide, training and monitoring inspectors, teachers, teachers’ trainers, and curricula designers as well as textbooks and programmes elaboration and validation. Media material creation (didactical capsules) and the implementation of an interactive platform is also part of the ongoing project.

Example of vocational education training capsule (welding).

Example of teachers’ training capsule (oral competences in French).

Funder: ENABEL
Expert team involved: 12 curricular and evaluation experts, team leader Alexia Peyser.

National certification to competency-based skills.

Technical and methodological internship of future secondary inspectors EFPEEN- Benin, 2020.

BIEFOR is proud to receive once more a new group of secondary and SVET inspectors from the 2019-2021 class from EFPEEN-Benin (Ecole de Formation des Personnels d'Encadrement de l'Education Nationale). BIEFOR will welcome 50 students enrolled in a 5-week study trip between October and November 2020. An important technical and educational initiative in which we are extremely glad to continue being involved.

Support to the primary education quality innovation practices in 4 countries: Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Niger and Senegal (2019-2020).

Project includes technical assistance and curricula engineering support to 4 national teams in improving educational piloting practices and impact of their primary education systems. Training national teams, elaboration and monitoring of the corresponding route maps and impact assessment of actions taken.

Funder: UNESCO-IIPE, Dakar center
Expert involved: Alexia Peyser

European Commission "Jan Amos Comenius Prize" evaluation for high quality education.

"Jan Amos Comenius Prize" selection evaluation: Members of our team have been selected to carry on this new European Commission High Education quality award to acknowledge quality high school practices all over Europe. We are proud to be part of the assessment process supporting this new initiative.

Funder: European Commission.

Evaluation of the 2020 training programme of Bruxelles Formation.

Our team has been selected to carry on the evaluation for the "2020 programme" of this important training provider in Belgium's capital. March-July 2020.

Funder: Bruxelles-Formation.

Final report

Training internship of Primary Inspectors from Benin (EFPEEN) in Belgium (4-weeks programme, November-December 2019)

Assignment includes the organization, management and implementation of a 4-weeks internship for 21 future primary inspectors in the competency-based approach curricula and teachers' evaluation and support.

Operator: EFPEEN-Benin.
Team involved: Chantal Codjo, Alexia Peyser, Thierry Evrard, Xavier Roegiers, and 4 other team members.

Technical assistance to "Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forêts (ENEF)" from Burkina Faso in reelaboration of their curricula training material.

Assignment includes analyzing current gaps and weaknesses in their curricular material offer, training ENEF local staff to the competency based approach and supporting the transfer of technical skills in syllabi elaboration (2019-2020).

Funder: Lux-Dev agency
Team of 2 experts involved

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